Proud Sponsors of Bates Cottages Cricket Club

Seaton Valley Lodge #6239

We Meet On The 1st Wednesday of the Month September - June

Our Core Values

“Freemasonry has promoted fellowship, it has nurtured brotherhood, it has practiced charity.”

— Louis L. Williams





Discover Freemasonry

“There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends you’ve yet to meet.”

— Dave Thomas

Become a Better You

Freemasonry is more than just friendship; it’s an avenue for personal growth and development. Build integrity, Develop your character

Contribute to Deserving Causes

Freemasons fund medical research, donate to emergency response vehicles, provide grants

Help Charities & Society

Make a positive contribution to society through volunteering, fundraising, and participating in events.

Broaden Your Horizons

Freemasonry's teachings also include: morality and obedience to the law of the land. Participate in timeless traditions

Meet Like Minded People

Confidence, camaraderie and friendships are just a few of the things that Freemasonry can give you.

Make life Long friends

Freemasonry offers many opportunities to meet people from different backgrounds and make lifelong friends

News & Events

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Find out what’s been going on at Seaton Valley Lodge

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Seaton Valley Lodge Newsletter

Meridian is the Newsletter for Seaton Valley Lodge . 

Published monthly between September & June


Thinking About Joining US?

It’s Time To Get In Touch

We are not a secret society, but we are a society with secrets.

If you want to join all you have to do is ASK!