Proud Sponsors of Bates Cottages Cricket Club Seaton Valley Lodge #6239 We Meet On The 1st Wednesday of the Month September - June About Us Our Core Values “Freemasonry has promoted fellowship, it has nurtured brotherhood, it has practiced charity.” — Louis L. Williams Integrity Friendship Respect Service Discover Freemasonry “There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends you’ve yet to meet.” — Dave Thomas Become a Better YouFreemasonry is more than just friendship; it’s an avenue for personal growth and development. Build integrity, Develop your character Contribute to Deserving CausesFreemasons fund medical research, donate to emergency response vehicles, provide grants Help Charities & SocietyMake a positive contribution to society through volunteering, fundraising, and participating in events. Broaden Your HorizonsFreemasonry's teachings also include: morality and obedience to the law of the land. Participate in timeless traditions Meet Like Minded PeopleConfidence, camaraderie and friendships are just a few of the things that Freemasonry can give you. Make life Long friendsFreemasonry offers many opportunities to meet people from different backgrounds and make lifelong friends Discover Freemasonry News & Events News & Events November Find out what’s been going on at Seaton Valley Lodge October September Meridian Seaton Valley Lodge Newsletter Read the Latest Edition Here Meridian is the Newsletter for Seaton Valley Lodge . Published monthly between September & June ★★★★★ 5/5 Read older Editions Here ★★★★★ 5/5 Our Gallery Thinking About Joining US? It’s Time To Get In Touch email: Seatonvalleylodge We are not a secret society, but we are a society with secrets.If you want to join all you have to do is ASK!